What I Actually Wanted to say in that ParentMap Article

It's not often that all of the schedules line up in this household and we are able to do something together as a family. Sure, we go to each other's things together--S will tag along to P's swim class or we may all catch a movie if we've got a few hours to spare and we've been waiting for the Incredibles sequel to come out for like 20 years or something. But otherwise, it takes a lot of planning to make a big excursion happen. Going to Disneyland during winter break was an experience unlike any other and really cemented together our identity as a family. This weekend, just a few days after an article I wrote for a parenting magazine about teaching your children not to stare was published, we went to the big zoo up in Seattle. A huge surprise to me-- apparently no one in that park read my little article. Truthfully, there's a lot I wish I could have said in that article. I went for the more polite version of things because people waiting in their children...