
Showing posts from August, 2017

Keeping it Civil While Fostering Self-Love

Respite seemed like a Godsend. Trained individuals coming to our home, helping with cleaning, feeding the sibs, introducing them to activities we wouldn't have thought of on our own? Yes, please! The best part of the whole arrangement is that we need to use the hours DSHS had allotted to the sibs; like, okay State, we'll take these moments to ourselves to make calls, run errands, or simply sneak a fast food snack that we haven't been able to have much of since becoming a family, if you insist, DSHS, we'll do you this solid. As life often works, however, this too-good-to-be-true situation, indeed, became too-good-to-be-true about a week into the process. Thanks, DSHS. I thought we could have been something. Though we've finally found a balance with our caregivers, our first few weeks were definitely rough. We encountered two kinds of respite workers: the sloth and the savior. The beauty and downfall of Brother P and Sister S is that they're really easy-going. ...