A Family Like Mine | Ode to the Most Diverse Family on the Block

A google image result for "diverse family" If we had a housing association, I'm sure they'd be simultaneously thrilled and horrified. Our existence more than likely tripled the diversity cred for our neighborhood, especially since the Asian family moved out quickly after our arrival (I'm sure we had nothing to do with that). ~~~~ I've been told to love myself unconditionally, because love is love or whatever Taylor Swift and Katy Perry say when they're doing their makeup. I'm mostly there, with a few days of not being there at all. It's truly been a journey and I probably can't count on all the hands in the family how many times J has had to tell me over and over again that I can look how I want, how I can change my mind and that I am beautiful. Despite my cute shirts with bananas on them to match my new cute boyish charm, I've had a rough time grappling with this new look since I cut my hair a few years ago. In all honesty...